RH-Softclip License Key X64 ➟

The RH-Softclip SynthEdit module was developed to clip the incoming signal, use clipfactor for clipstrength. This module uses code with a Fast aTan function.







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The RH-Softclip SynthEdit module was developed to clip the incoming signal, use clipfactor for clipstrength. This module uses code with a Fast aTan function.
In full chorus, using the songcontroller, the SYNTHEDIT controller only sets the LFO1, LFO2 and output signal like the FOUR TRAILS controller.
If the LFO1 is not turned on, the CTRL is 0 in the songcontroller.
If the LFO2 is not turned on, the CTRL is 1 in the songcontroller.
If the output signal is not turned on, the CTRL is 2 in the songcontroller.
If the CLIP is turned on (non zero values), the FOUR TRAILS controller sets the CTRL.
If the CLIP signal is below 1.0, it will clip the input signal.
If the CLIP signal is greater than 1.0, it will not clip the input signal.
If the CLIP factor is below 0.0, the sign signal is negative and a negative value will be clipped.
If the CLIP factor is greater than 0.0, the sign signal is positive and a positive value will be clipped.
FASTAtan(fAnalogInput, fSclpFactor, fInterFactor, fDecayRate, fOutput);

The SYNTHEDIT controller:
Output Signal: CTRL + 1

CLIP: CTRL * 0.5

Click here to download the RH-Softclip SynthEdit module.

The synthnote3 from Bayonet is a fake FastAtan but instead of using frequency as input the synthnote3 uses the analog signal in FAST atan.
It might be worth testing this module or at least the FastAtan function with your analog input signal.


I have no experience with the BAT. I have no analog signal input, but the FastAtran is based on an integral of the input frequency. You can use it to clip the “virtual” integral of the

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– Developer: Rich Hendrey
– Buy it here:

– Here is link for the spec sheet:

– Frequently asked questions:
– Release: 1.8.0
– Windows:
– Xilinx_SDx 10.1
– Device:
– My Timelib YMMV
– Python 3.5
– 2.7
– VB 6.5
– VST2
– VST3
– Midi
– Quicktime
– Player
– I Love You (song)
– You Think You Know Jazz, But You Don’t – Part 2
#Module Version v1.8.0
#Date: 2019-08-26 18:09:29
#Manufacturer: Rich Hendry
#Product description: SoftClip
#Product version: 1.8.0
#Compatible VIs: SDx 10.1
#Compatible VIs: IEEE_STD 1394
#Operation systems: Windows
#Log Files:
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~RUNTIME MODE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#~~~~~~~~RUNTIME ARCH~~~~~~~~

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** Part 1: Modulation generators

From incoming signal it works as a modulation generator. Clipfactor and clipstrength control the use of the incoming signal.

** Part 2: Expression (parameter)

From the incoming signal, the expression level (parameter1) can be

** Part 3: Clipping (clippingfactor, clippingstrength)

Clipping is used to restrict the incoming signal. The signal is split in two parts. A difference between the two parts is calculated. It’s always positive, because the incoming signal is positive.

The incoming signal is clipped by computing the limit (limit1).

1 Sub part3()
2 p=16/1
4 a=p*(p*0.006-1)/(p*(p*0.006-1)+1)
5 pb=p*(p*0.006+1)/(p*(p*0.006+1)+1)
7 p=pb-a
9 if p

What’s New In RH-Softclip?

The RH-Softclip module is a software implementation of a cellular automaton based on the Brier-Weaver equation. Softclips are implemented as local vectors, introducing a delay into the evolution which is used to reduce the sensitivity of the output to uncertainty in the future. This delays the “next generation”. A second delay is introduced by limiting the growth of the output to a set value. This reduces the sensitivity of the output to error in the past. If the net rate of growth of the output is positive, the output increases. If the net rate of growth is negative, the output decreases. A third delay is introduced by restricting the output to a target value which is a gradual reduction of the output to zero.

EEC hardware implementation

The EEC hardware implementation for the RH-Softclip is the EERES synthesizer. This is a hardware implementation of a simple CNOT circuit, which is a basic component of RH. This synthesizer is used in the demo version of RH.

EERES syntaxes the input voltage to a.z.matrix file for the module
EERES Syntax:

The input and output of EERES are R, L, G, B-channels with each channel representing one of the primary colours (Red, Yellow, Blue, Green). Each channel is scaled to 256 (256 is the maximum value for a.z.matrix file) on either side of the zero axis. The objective is to get the.z.matrix file to somehow define the correct colour for each component. This system works by running through a combination of different colours (the.z.matrix file defines the total change) and each component of the input is programmed to either increment or decrement by a certain percentage of the colour for the range of colours. For example, the.z.matrix file could be:
0.1 0.1 0.1,
0.2 0.2 0.2,
0.3 0.3 0.3,
0.4 0.4 0.4,
0.5 0.5 0.5,
0.6 0.6 0.6,
0.7 0.7 0.7,
0.8 0.8 0.8,
0.9 0.9 0.9,

to obtain the following colours for the input (using full range.z.matrix file):


System Requirements For RH-Softclip:

Processor: 2.2 GHz
OS: Windows 10
Graphics: ATI/AMD HD 7870
Other Notes:
See instructions for downloading and installing AOE3 here: (
Version: (2017/12/03)


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