Gian Virus Defender – File Encoder Decoder Crack Full Version Free For Windows Latest

Just because you have an antivirus installed, doesn’t mean your computer is fully protected. Simply leaving your work, or home computer unattended leaves it vulnerable to prying eyes. Luckily, there are various applications like Gian Virus Defender – File Encoder/Decoder which help you secure important files.
Can be used on the go
A cool thing about it is no installation is required to ensure functionality, and can be launched right after download. This allows you to keep it, and protected files on a thumb drive, so only you have access to the means of decrypting, and reading them. Another advantage of portability is that system registries are not modified during, or after usage.
The interface quickly gets you up and running, thanks to the simple, organized structure. A large navigation panel can be used to go to a target location, and pick a file for encryption, without having to bring up additional browse menus, or windows.
Selecting a files shows a few related details, such as size in bytes, last modified date, as well as other file attributes. With the file selected, the whole operation narrows down to the press of a button.
Good, but far from being a pro
Note that the original file isn’t really affected, nor deleted, so you can still access it. Encrypted files are saved in the application’s source folder, so you might want to remove original ones for extra safety.
Furthermore, you need to perform decryption on the encrypted files created in the application’s source directory, and not the original files. Luckily, dedicated benus can be brought up to view all encoded, and decoded files for quick processing, saving you the navigation time.
Maximum security is ensured if the original files are removed after encryption, and if you don’t let anyone access the application. Unfortunately, there’s no password requirement for the encryption algorithm, not even a master password for the application itself.
In conclusion
Bottom line is that important files are less exposed to risks if encrypted with Gian Virus Defender – File Encoder/Decoder. However, it’s a little rough around the edges, and you need to do a bit more than just encrypting files if you don’t want to leave traces behind, or the option to decrypt files open to everyone.


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Gian Virus Defender – File Encoder Decoder Crack + Activation PC/Windows [2022-Latest]

Gian Virus Defender – File Encoder Decoder Crack+ License Key Free Download (Final 2022)


Gian Virus Defender – File Encoder Decoder

What’s New In Gian Virus Defender – File Encoder Decoder?

System Requirements For Gian Virus Defender – File Encoder Decoder:

– Windows® 7
– Mac OS® X 10.5.8, 10.6, or 10.7
– Android 3.0, 2.3.1 and 2.2
– iOS 4.3 or later
– iPad 2 or later
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