Service-List-Builder Crack Full Version [2022]

Service-List-Builder is a command line tool that enables users to create automated scripts that would allow them to toggle between minimal and default windows services later on. All scripts created via the tool are stored in the build folder and accessing them requires Nsudo with Enable All Privileged checkbox enabled. Considering that the scripts enable and disable services that may be mandatory for running Windows, the tool addresses advanced users only, as it can mess up the OS.
The tool requires users to create a list of the windows services that should be toggled on and off. As expected, the list can be crafted based on the desired services, a task that can be adjusted by opening the lists.ini in the preferred text editor.
Another noteworthy requirement for the tool to work properly is to import the lists separately under Automatic_Services and Manual_Services sections. It is important to note that any services that are not specified under the aforementioned sections are going to be disabled.
The app also includes optional features that users can consider based on the requirements of their projects. For instance, Drivers_To_Disable allows the import of a list of drivers to be disabled, whereas Toggle_Files_Folders allows renaming of full path names or binaries included.


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Service-List-Builder 3.5.3 Crack+ With License Key

Serv-List-Builder is a command line tool that enables users to create automated scripts that would allow them to toggle between minimal and default windows services later on. All scripts created via the tool are stored in the build folder and accessing them requires Nsudo with Enable All Privileged checkbox enabled. Considering that the scripts enable and disable services that may be mandatory for running Windows, the tool addresses advanced users only, as it can mess up the OS.
The tool requires users to create a list of the windows services that should be toggled on and off. As expected, the list can be crafted based on the desired services, a task that can be adjusted by opening the lists.ini in the preferred text editor.
Another noteworthy requirement for the tool to work properly is to import the lists separately under Automatic_Services and Manual_Services sections. It is important to note that any services that are not specified under the aforementioned sections are going to be disabled.
The app also includes optional features that users can consider based on the requirements of their projects. For instance, Drivers_To_Disable allows the import of a list of drivers to be disabled, whereas Toggle_Files_Folders allows renaming of full path names or binaries included.
Windows Binaries:
– [Download the zip package](
– [Install Service-List-Builder](
Source Code:
– [Source Code](
– [Advanced Features](
– [Execute services](https

Service-List-Builder 3.5.3 Crack+ Free License Key [Win/Mac] [Latest-2022]

Tool used to construct a list of Windows services to be toggled on and off.
*- The tool takes service list from the service-list-builder.ini that should be present within tool_path.
*- To generate the service list, the user needs to use the option to Include the Tasks that can be created with the service list.
*- The service list can be crafted based on the desired services, a task that can be adjusted by opening the lists.ini in the preferred text editor.
*- Drivers_To_Disable allows the import of a list of drivers to be disabled, whereas Toggle_Files_Folders allows renaming of full path names or binaries included.
*- In the’service_list.ini’ file, the Tasks that allow the import of the service list are defined by the ‘Task_Importer’ option.
*- After importing a service list, the ‘task_importer’ option can be used to make changes to the created service list, including option to toggle it or exclude certain tasks.
*- In order to access the generated list, the Tool needs to have the Nsudo with Enable All Privileged checkbox checked.
*- The lists.ini file can be stored in the tool_path/lists directory.
*- By default, the resulting list will be stored in the /tmp directory.
*- To install the tool, users need to extract the executable file and run the executable.
*- The executable can be run as a batch-file, which can be created by double clicking the executable file.
*- The tool also supports a command line interface, which can be accessed via cmd.exe
*- To run the application via command line interface, users can simply run the command below;
*- If the tool runs via command line interface, users will be prompted to select the window session that the script will reside on. The default will be the current session.
*- The entered window session is displayed in the following form:
*- The tool can also be configured to run in the background, which can be accessed in the same manner that the application was run via command line interface.
Note – the batch-file should be named ServiceListBuilder.bat in order to enable the tool to run in the background.
To generate a simple service list, a user can use the following command:
[step 1]

Service-List-Builder 3.5.3 Serial Number Full Torrent [Win/Mac] [Updated] 2022

* Toggles services on and off based on a list of known services that is stored in the lists.ini file.
* Command line parameters:
* /enable: enables/disables a service
* /disable: enables/disables a service
* /toggle: enables/disables a service
* /toggleall: enables all services
* /noremove: does not remove the service from the system when uninstalling
* /help: displays a help message
* /example: a short overview of how the tool works
* /options: shows a list of the available options
* /helpoptions: shows a list of the available options
* /install: installs the tool, the “lists.ini” file and the “helpfiles” folder in the preferred folder
* /uninstall: uninstall the tool, “lists.ini” file and the “helpfiles” folder
* /console: prints a list of all the services currently disabled
* /console: prints a list of all the services currently disabled
* /console: prints a list of all the services currently disabled
* /console: prints a list of all the services currently disabled
* /console: prints a list of all the services currently disabled
* /console: prints a list of all the services currently disabled
* /console: prints a list of all the services currently disabled
* /console: prints a list of all the services currently disabled
* /console: prints a list of all the services currently disabled
* /console: prints a list of all the services currently disabled
* /console: prints a list of all the services currently disabled
* /console: prints a list of all the services currently disabled
* /console: prints a list of all the services currently disabled
* /console: prints a list of all the services currently disabled
* /console: prints a list of all the services currently disabled
* /console: prints a list of all the services currently disabled
* /console: prints a list of all the services currently disabled
* /console: prints a list of all the services currently disabled
* /console: prints a list of all the services currently disabled
* /console: prints a list of all the services currently disabled
* /console: prints a list of all the services currently disabled
* /console: prints a list of all the services currently disabled
* /console:

What’s New in the Service-List-Builder?

Allows users to create automated scripts that would allow them to toggle between minimal and default windows services later on. All scripts created via the tool are stored in the build folder and accessing them requires Nsudo with Enable All Privileged checkbox enabled. Considering that the scripts enable and disable services that may be mandatory for running Windows, the tool addresses advanced users only, as it can mess up the OS.
The tool requires users to create a list of the windows services that should be toggled on and off. As expected, the list can be crafted based on the desired services, a task that can be adjusted by opening the lists.ini in the preferred text editor.
Another noteworthy requirement for the tool to work properly is to import the lists separately under Automatic_Services and Manual_Services sections. It is important to note that any services that are not specified under the aforementioned sections are going to be disabled.
The app also includes optional features that users can consider based on the requirements of their projects. For instance, Drivers_To_Disable allows the import of a list of drivers to be disabled, whereas Toggle_Files_Folders allows renaming of full path names or binaries included.
System Requirements:
– Windows 10 (Service-List-Builder.cmd)
– Nsudo Tool (Startup)
1. Copy Nsudo.exe to your desktop.
2. Copy Service-List-Builder.cmd to your StartUp folder.
3. Copy lists.ini to your desktop.
4. Double-click Service-List-Builder.cmd to execute it.
This tool is free, shareware and ad-supported. It’s free to use, however, I ask you to mention the developer’s email address (for legal reasons) and share this tool with your friends. Sharing also helps to improve the quality of the tool and its documentation.

Windows 10 – Service-List-Builder

Windows 10 – Service-List-Builder is a command line tool that enables users to create automated scripts that would allow them to toggle between minimal and default windows services later on. All scripts created via the tool are stored in the build folder and accessing them requires Nsudo with Enable All Privileged checkbox enabled. Considering that the scripts enable and disable services that may be mandatory for running Windows, the tool addresses advanced users only, as it can mess up the OS.
The tool requires users to create a list of the

System Requirements For Service-List-Builder:

Operating System:
Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (64-bit editions only)
Intel Core 2 Duo/Core i3/Core i5/Core i7
NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT
Version 9.0c
Hard Drive:
17.8 GB
Sound Card:
Internet Connection & License Key

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