VStat For PC [2022-Latest]







VStat Crack License Code & Keygen Download 2022 [New]

VStat Crack (Verify Status) is a tool designed to show the current status of your network connections and the associated applications/processes. The application does not show all of the network statistics. Instead, it shows the STATUS and CONNECTION columns for all
network connections and associated processes.
Once you have VStat in your start menu, you can click the VStat icon (not to be confused with the vssadmin.exe utility) to open the application. To ensure that all of your network connections are displayed, check the “Network Status” tab.

Services: A listing of all running services and detailed information about their status.

Protocols: A listing of all established network protocols, protocols that are currently connected, closed, and listening.

Connections: A listing of all established TCP connections, including ports, of all protocols.

Tracked TCP Connections: A listing of all established TCP connections that are currently tracked by VStat.

Open Port: The open Port column contains a list of all listening open ports, in addition to the currently open protocol and port.

Closed Port: The closed Port column contains a list of all closed TCP ports, in addition to the currently closed TCP protocol and port.

Accepted TCP Connections: The Accepted TCP Connections column contains a list of all currently accepted TCP connections, in addition to the currently accepted TCP protocol and port.

Closing TCP Connections: The Closing TCP Connections column contains a list of all currently closing TCP connections, in addition to the currently closing TCP protocol and port.

The Connection Status pane details all of the following connection information for all established connections:

The Connection Info pane provides detailed information about the currently connected protocol, including:

The number of connections

The port used (this will include, for example, a list of IP addresses on a NAT/PAT device)

The connection list goes on to detail the length of the connection, data received and sent, the associated process ID and name, and so on.

Port column

Status column

Process Name column

Process ID column


Network Status

The “Network Status” tab lists all currently active connections on your computer. To have a clear overview of your current network status, check the “Network Status” tab.

All currently active connections are listed in the “Network Status” tab with their associated connections information and state

VStat Crack + Free License Key [Updated-2022]

Perform activities similar to the command line application called “netstat”
– Display the current state of TCP/IP connections including active, idle, listening, and closed.
– Show the process name and process ID (PID) associated with the TCP/IP connection
– Show a list of all TCP/IP connections on the network, including active connections.
– Allows you to terminate established TCP/IP connections.
– Provides a mouse-over popup for additional information about the TCP/IP connections.
– Displays the process name and process ID (PID) associated with an entry.
– Assigns a control key to initiate the process (Control+F5 on the keyboard). The control key is only available on Windows 2000 with all current service packs and hot fixes installed and on Windows XP.
– VStat can close any existing established TCP connection and terminates the owning application, provided you have the necessary permissions to do so.
– Restores all TCP/IP connections to their original state after closing them.
– Displays total memory used, system idle time, and I/O device activity.
– Displays message of the day, time, and date on the system.
– Remembers your last location (the default is the last directory or folder that you were in).
– Performs its tasks continuously.
– Provides a dialog-based user interface.

– Saint-Germain, Simon –

– GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
– GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
– GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
– GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
– GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
– GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
– GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
– GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
– GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
– GNU General Public License v2.0 or later

This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

VStat Crack + With Registration Code For Windows

VStat is a small program designed to show all connected TCP and UDP listeners and connections. For network servers and clients this will allow you to find those services running on your machine that aren’t installed as services and are currently using port numbers that have been previously used by another application, even if those other applications have since been uninstalled.
You can also check a TCP socket for an established connection, and close this socket (if it is established) and remove this socket from the TCP/UDP list if you wish.
NOTE: The ability to show the associated application name and process ID is only available on Windows 2000 with all current service packs and hot fixes installed and on Windows XP. When run on other Windows versions you will not see any information in the Process Name or PID columns.
Details of the tools and data presented in this application are available via the link below:

Special thanks go to the following:
Tool authors –
Email comments to VStat@str32.co.uk

Note, the application is a Delphi/Pascal Unicode implementation only. No other languages are supported.

The application source code is freely available for anyone wishing to use it for whatever purpose. It is provided as-is with no warranty of any kind.

Revision History:

Release 201005212723

Initial release


Quick usage:

First create an instance of the Application

UserApp := TApplication.Create( ‘ExampleApp.exe’,Application.ExeFile,false);

then connect to any network device as a client using connect to


and send the first command


and wait for the response which will tell you that it is connected

Program Running:


What’s New In VStat?

VStat is designed to be a small application that produces similar output to the traditional netstat command line utility.
VStat allows you to see the actual current state of your TCP connections, including a list of both established connections and the associated process information, and allows you to close existing connections, provided you have the required permissions.
The following features are included with VStat:
– Showing the associated application name and process ID associated with a TCP connection
– Showing the TCP connection status (Active, Close, Listening, Open, Shutdown, Transmitting, and Closed)
– Listing the PID and application name associated with a TCP connection that is either either
– Active, Listening, Closed, or Open
– Giving you the ability to close any active TCP connection, provided you have the relevant permissions
– Ability to list the PID and the application name that owns the TCP connection
– Ability to kill any process, and
– Ability to list the PID and application name associated with any connection
– Ability to list the process name and PID associated with any connection that is either
– Active, Listening, or Open
– Ability to list the PID and application name associated with any connection that is either
– Closed or Listening
When run on Windows XP you will not see any process names or PID in the Process Name or PID columns.
This tool was written by Krogs.

VStat is the copyright of Krogs and you will only be viewing its data. You may not use, copy, disseminate, modify or download any portion of the VStat tool without the written consent of Krogs.
You may, however, freely distribute a copy of the executable for non-commercial purposes provided you include a credit in your documentation.
You may not use VStat to distribute any data of any kind, nor to test another tool on the VStat network for the sole purpose of validating your own tool or system.
You may use VStat to demonstrate an error that your own tool or system creates but you may not modify any information it shows to your end user(s) or share that information with any other tool or system.
You may not copy, disclose or distribute any portion of the VStat tool without the written consent of Krogs.
You may, however, use the tool and all associated data for your own personal use under one single, personal license.

MySQL Monitor


System Requirements:

Minimum Requirements:
OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
Processor: Intel® Core™ i3, Intel® Core™ i5, Intel® Core™ i7, AMD equivalent
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: DirectX® 9.0c compatible graphics processor
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Disk: 1 GB
Video: DirectX 9.0c compatible video card and a display capable of 1280×720 @ 60Hz
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c


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