Death Waves Cheat Code Incl Product Key Download 🠶







Two teams of two players must clear the center of the Stage by jumping on it using the Tab key, under specific rules! The goal is to make the other team lose all of their items.
The two teams start together, will each other located on opposite sides of the Stage, and in turn in the middle, while their items are in the middle of the Stage!
* Each player will try to jump on any of the above objects located in the Stage: block = 0, floating block = 1, platform = 3 and small block = 4.
* If a player touches any of these block 0, then they will need to go to the next Step.
* If a player jumps on floating block = 1, he will go to the next Step, the only condition will be when he touches the small floating block = 0.
* If a player touches the platform = 3, it will be lost, and that player will need to make the first jump.
* If the small block = 4 touches the platform = 3, that player will also be lost!
* If the player touched the middle block = 2 (center of the Stage), it will be lost, and that player will need to make the first jump.
* If the player touches the big block = 1, they will lose, and the player will need to make the first jump.
* If the player touches the center block = 2 (which is not touched by any player at this time), a player will need to make a jump without a touch to the center block = 2, and the player will be lost.
* The player will be lost when the other team loses all of its items.
* Every player has their own items, which are placed randomly on the stage, only the players with their own items can make jumps and touch them.

About The Developer:
Hello, nice to meet you! My name is Egil and I’m a university student, I’ve already had more than 5 years with the video games industry and I want to continue playing!
I created this game as a hobby for a while and I hope to make more games for people.
Lately, I’ve been working to have better graphics and special effects in the game, for example, to give my fans a lot of fun with the game.
I wish you enjoy the game as much as I enjoyed making it.
I will make more updates as the game goes.
(This is the first Cat Launch Studio game,


Features Key:

  • Action-packed shooter experience
  • 6 maps with alien and human characters
  • Blast everything in your way!
  • Test your flying skills!
  • Ideal for both the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift
  • Re-play levels to earn extra gold!
  • Features:

    • 6 different alien races!
    • Fantastic visuals!
    • 3D graphics!
    • Excellent game play!
    • Fun!
    • Simple controls!
    • Multiple rescue modes!
    • Unlockable achievements!

    Virtual reality headset types supported:

    – Oculus Rift

    – Oculus Touch controllers

    – Oculus Touch visor

    – Steam VR- HTC VIVE- HTC Vive controllers

    StarDrone: Drone is a smashing game for all of you,
    That’s right. You won’t regret purchasing this game at all. You will have an exquisite gaming experience, as this game is absolutely fantastic, with a captivating storyline.
    This game provides you with a large amount of gameplay. You will find plenty of scope to make regular purchases as well as earn a good amount of money through effort and making various purchases within the game.
    The gameplay is very appealing and immersive. You’ll enjoy each level for its creativity and uniqueness.
    StarDrone VR is a game that will keep you entertained for a long period of time.
    Whenever you decide to add this game to your Steam library, you’ll find that you will have plenty of fun doing all of the activities that you will find in this game.
    StarDrone: Drone has a gameplay that will keep you engaged for a long period of time.
    Once you can get the hang of the controls and explore various locations in the game, you’ll find that you’ll love every minute!
    Original Music Created by


    Death Waves Crack Free

    You play as a bounty hunter or pirate, but really it doesn’t matter what you are – you are mostly set on a mission.
    The game begins on Planet Shangri-La where your father was abducted and killed by pirates. A year later, you return to the planet to look for those who took your father.
    In this adventure you will travel to the neighboring systems, meet new characters, discover alien races, attack pirate bases and develop your character to become a true space bounty hunter or pirate. All for the greater good of mankind.


    Long ago, before mankind was on the verge of conquering space, an unknown alien species discovered a system that allowed them to pass through the galaxy. Unfortunately, the portals they discovered do not work any longer, or at least, not any more the way they were created.
    Over the course of many years the portals have been established, and for a time were used for the transportation of supplies and people. In the past years, these portals have been forgotten and many of them have gone extinct.
    Now it is your time to reactivate them.

    Change in the Store

    As development of the game continues, the game has been completely updated on Steam. We have fully re-written the game from the ground up and we’re really proud of the results.
    Here are the key changes in the store:

    Over all gameplay has been polished
    Some bugs have been fixed, ship blueprints have been fixed, game logic in a couple of places has been revised

    New Items

    Attendance Badge: When you put the badge on any form of transport for any race (at least for all except the Pirate Capital) you earn an extra 300M credits for that form of transport and that race. The badge can be exchanged for Attribute XP and Unlock Points. One of these unlock Points will be the Attribute ‘Robot’.

    Dialogue and Cards

    The game now features 360 degree cinematic dialogues on every screen. All dialogues are color coded and have an individual background. These cards are used for most of the dialogues in the game.

    Hundreds of new missions

    A total of hundreds of new missions have been added to the game.

    New Weapons and Ships

    We’ve added about 40 new weapons and we will add more in the future.

    New Decks

    We have added about 30 new decks to the game.

    New World parts

    We have added the


    Death Waves With Product Key Free Download X64 2022 [New]

    Game “Neon Coliseum” Walkthrough:

    Game “Neon Coliseum” Story:

    Developers’ site:

    All the negatives in this world are linked together like a chain. For a long time, there was a single negative who used his unique potential to destroy us all. His evil name was Dark One. He was used to torture animals, cut them into pieces, turn them into roaches…‘Feed me!’ became his mantra.In the 1980s, the humans discovered an ancient powerful defense system that found its way into the ground, hidden from human eyes. It was really a host of enormous animals but they were like the innocent beauties: white, blue, and red – bloodthirsty invaders from the sky, who were waiting for their chance to feast on the earthlings.
    Their owner, Dark One, created the monsters. They were ready for him and began to devour him. But even they were no match for the Solaris. The Solaris were the only creatures who were able to fight the darkness. The Solaris used special colored ‘Cosmic’ energy to remove the aura from the negative force, so they could be destroyed. In the Cosmic Energy, it’s really a quest, the one that you’re on all the time. It’s something we’re all constantly fighting for, so that we can survive.
    In the year 1991, the dark army tried to find the Solaris that had protected its owner. The Solaris had formed the last defense. Their time had come. In that very moment they learned a most severe secret. Never again did they accept the orders of the Dark One, and would hunt him down. The Solaris had become too different, too independent, and too strong for their owner.
    Thus, at the dawn of time, the first Solaris have taken control of the Cosmos. But that was all a dream. At that time, the Solaris were eaten by the monsters, the creatures of the dark. Only a single Solaris survived. He was alone, and he was lost.
    In the future, something like the game you’re playing today would have happened. There was a game called ‘Cosmic’


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