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Significance of this notation

I’ve been reading up on elliptic curves and I found this notation in a textbook:

This reminds me of the commutator, where $a^{b-c}=b^{ -1}ab^{ -1}$ and $\mathrm{commutator}(a,b)=ab-ba$

What does this notation mean? Thank you for your time.


Short answer: It means the same thing as $[a,b]=ab-ba$, but with an extra “up to lower-order terms” qualification.
Longer answer:
First note that $[a,b]$ usually denotes the commutator, and we have some common examples:
[a,b] =
ab-ba &\text{if } b
eq 0\\
0 &\text{if } a=b\\
-b &\text{if } a=-b
[a,b,c] =
abc-acb-bca+cab &\text{if } a,b,c
eq 0\\
0 &\text{if } a=b=c\\
-c &\text{if } a=b=-c\\

So now, the upshot of all this is that $ab-ba$ is the “purely group-theoretic commutator” of $a$ and $b$, but that when we are talking about “terms at the highest order” we want to be able to handle a general commutator, not just $ab-ba$.
(Note that the term “purely group-theoretic commutator” is not standard at all, but I have been

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How to download Ebooks Kimia Analitik Kuantitatifl on PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad and Android Device. How to download Ebooks Kimia Analitik Kuantitatifl on PC.
Alkimia Sinergi Download Ebook Kimia Analitik Kuantitatifl ¢ Purchases. Alkimia Sinergi Download Ebook Kimia Analitik Kuantitatifl.“The dark side of history is rapidly coming to a head. And without change, all that has long made America unique is in peril. In a new, expansive sense of this world, we cannot become ‘just another country.’ We are the United States of America.” – Barack Obama, January 21, 2015

On January 21, 2015, Barack Obama pulled a Humpty Dumpty routine on the Wall Street Journal. After spending the previous 17 years publicly discussing “global war” on global warming, the next morning Obama put all of that behind him and, like a king who was so pleased with his new crown that he had no reason to care about anyone else’s opinion, blamed the “apocalyptic” question of global climate change – “What are we going to do about it?” – on Republicans.

Obama’s appearance in the Wall Street Journal is virtually unprecedented. He has appeared in the Wall Street Journal four times in his presidency. He didn’t mention climate change once.

In a calculated, calculated move, Obama’s statement didn’t address the substance of global climate change. He simply blamed GOP obstructionism for creating an “unacceptable” situation where he was forced to set aside his plans for America’s climate agenda.

Six weeks earlier, Obama took a shot at the wall during a live interview on the Green Street Live Show.

“You’ve had Republicans fight against clean energy, Republicans fight against science, Republicans want to reverse progress that we have made in terms of… moving toward a clean energy economy.” – Barack Obama, March 24, 2015

Yes, he blamed Republicans for “reverse progress” in moving toward a clean energy economy.


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