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AutoCAD allows users to design, view, and edit various types of drawings and models including:

Geometric models, usually described in terms of lines, circles, rectangles, arcs, and splines

Technical drawings describing products, machines, or other things of interest to a technical or industrial audience

Surfaces (for example, the design of a house, a road, a garden, or a cityscape) using 2-dimensional surfaces like lines, circles, rectangles, arcs, and splines.

3-dimensional (3D) drawings using 3D models like solids, faces, meshes, and wireframes

Geometric, technical, and 3D drawings are prepared and edited as raster images. Technical drawings are usually also produced as vector images, as a collection of lines, arcs, and splines.

As in other CAD applications, such as CAD-Weld, AutoCAD is used by architects, engineers, construction and mechanical professionals, product designers, and hobbyists.

AutoCAD is available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, and can be downloaded for free from Autodesk. AutoCAD is also available on mobile phones as well as the Web, and as a web browser extension.


Autodesk first produced a predecessor to AutoCAD, called AutoDraft, in the 1970s. AutoDraft was a graphics-oriented CAD application produced on a minicomputer, running on an internal graphics controller.

AutoDraft was initially licensed to several large U.S. clients, including Northrup-Grumman, Cummins, and Chrysler. It was originally targeted at mechanical engineering, and it was available for the minicomputer systems DEC VAX, VAX, and VMS, with multi-user networks and terminals. An unusual feature of the system was a network-based workstation system allowing many users to collaborate and share files. The system also included graphics functionality that produced vector drawings and 3D wireframe models.


AutoCAD is a raster graphics editor designed for creating and editing two and three-dimensional vector graphics, such as lines, arcs, and splines, and two and three-dimensional technical drawings, such as circles, rectangles, triangles, and splines. AutoCAD contains an electronic pencil, a plotter, and a drafting grid. AutoCAD also includes commands for adding comments to drawings

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Web Services
In March 2012, Autodesk announced the release of a Web Services API, a downloadable SDK, and an AutoCAD Web Application Programming Interface (APIs).

The new Web Services API allows third-party developers to embed AutoCAD content directly into Web pages and applications. The SDK supports the following features:

Creating drawings directly from a browser, or as a web page
Using AutoCAD as a plug-in to web pages
Real-time collaboration using chat and voice
Accessing AutoCAD directly from the browser

The AutoCAD Web Application Programming Interface (AutoCAD Web API) is used by developers to interact with AutoCAD drawing content using AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML). This means that developers can make changes to the way AutoCAD looks and works while the user is interacting with the drawing. The API enables the creation of add-ons that work within a browser.

Autodesk’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 (ASUAG 2.0) are a set of guidelines designed to increase the accessibility and usability of websites and web-based products. They cover both general guidelines and best practices for developers, including how to add accessibility features to drawings and views. For example, in AutoCAD 2016, users can bring in and modify objects. In 2016, a revised guideline was released which provides even more functionality.

AutoCAD is licensed under one of two licenses: 1) the EPL and 2) EULA. It is free to use for the first ten users, followed by a license fee of if users exceed that number. The TECLA license is used for educational institutions and the FELA license is used for the government.

The EULA grants AutoCAD End-User License Agreement (AutoCAD EULA) can be used for commercial purposes, thus permitting AutoCAD to be used on a network of up to 100 machines. The EPL license permits use of the software on one personal computer (PC).

AutoCAD was first released in December 1982 as a drawing program for the IBM PC. It was a complex drawing program and evolved over the years as AutoCAD became more widely used. It was originally written by Michael Steinbach. One of Steinbach’s former colleagues, Mark Goodrich, created “Paradigms” to make AutoCAD easier to use. AutoCAD introduced the

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One of the casualties of the surprise election results of May 7 was the emergence of the Green Party as a real political force. The Greens nearly doubled their share of the vote in British Columbia from 2010, from 8.9 per cent to 16.4 per cent, but fell shy of their stated goal of 20 per cent. The Greens’ strongest showing was in Greater Vancouver, where the party finished ahead of the Liberals for the first time since 2006, capturing 20 per cent of the vote. In other areas of the province, the Greens also finished ahead of the NDP and may have kept the right-of-centre Liberals from winning a majority.

Green Party Leader Elizabeth May was the only member of Parliament who stood up to announce the results of the election. May was disappointed with her party’s performance. “We tried to make a real statement in terms of how we’d raise the level of political debate,” she told reporters at the Vancouver Peace Garden. The Greens focused their campaign on electoral reform and climate change.

The Greens’ share of the vote dropped during the campaign, but they appeared to have been gaining supporters, as much from disillusionment with the NDP as any support from people who had voted for them in the past. “There is a group of people who had identified with the Greens … but lost faith in the NDP, who have come to the Green Party instead,” May explained.

The Green surge has been most significant in the lower mainland, particularly in the cities of Vancouver, Burnaby and New Westminster. A former NDP stronghold, Vancouver West became the first riding for the Greens in the province. The Greens also enjoyed a boost in Burnaby, where the NDP and Greens combined for more than half the vote. At the time of writing, there were no provincial by-elections scheduled in B.C., but new data from the B.C. government shows that the Green surge may continue. The party is currently the largest in the three B.C. Island ridings, and its share of the vote is growing.

The Greens’ performance this week reminded many B.C. voters of the NDP’s strong finish in the 2008 election. After B.C. voters gave the NDP a stable minority government in that election, the party slowly lost ground in the polls and was forced to rely on the support of the Liberals. The NDP was re-elected in 2011 after the 2011 election, but fell to third place

What’s New in the?

Add a drawing back into Revit when visiting a site or touring a model, and vice versa. The AutoCAD “point and click” platform means you can add any drawings you already own to your GIS model, no matter which CAD program they were originally created in. (video: 1:07 min.)

Drafting Tools for 2D:

Crease & Bend/Trim:

Create a structured, multi-surface crease or make temporary adjustments to parts without permanently cutting or editing the original line. (video: 1:20 min.)


Add control points to freehand drawing lines and control their depth. Use a selection window to extend or retract the pencil for smooth drawing. (video: 2:12 min.)

Create clean, closed line segments from the corner to the edge of your drawing. (video: 2:00 min.)


Add or subtract from the total length of a path. Change the angle of a curve or smooth out kinks. Use the Ripple Brush to apply different color fills to each segment of the path. (video: 2:12 min.)


Tailor the curves of an existing path by using the width and pressure of your stroke to quickly create a wide or tight line. (video: 1:55 min.)

Use the Feather option to soften the edges of a freehand drawing or the width of a path, or reduce the width of an arc or curve for more precise control. (video: 1:28 min.)


Create text with any font and size with the Draw Text command. Text can be rotated, kerned and colored to give a finished look, plus you can enter editing mode and adjust text lines and gaps. (video: 1:18 min.)

Add Sharp Edges to the Sharpener Brush:

The 2D Sharpener Brush uses brush tips to add sharp edges to any existing drawing. (video: 2:07 min.)

Draw the Topology of an Existing Surface:

Create topological features for any surface using the Topology tool. This method is great for clean, high-contrast designs. The Topology dialog box features a flexible preview option and direct editing controls. (video: 1:35 min.)

Use Digital Routers to Design in 3D:

Create accurate measurements and drill/grind 3

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

OS: OS X 10.6.6 or later
MacBook Pro (Mid 2009 or later), Mac mini (Mid 2010 or later)
Mac Pro (Mid 2010 or later)
Processor: 2.0 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory: 2 GB or more
Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 3400 or NVIDIA GeForce 8400M
Hard Disk: 50 MB free space
MacBook Pro (Early 2008 or earlier)

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