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This article presents an introduction to AutoCAD and its application to the MSP.

Further reading on Autodesk AutoCAD:

Introduction to AutoCAD

What is AutoCAD?

AutoCAD App Essentials

Other CAD Software Used in the MSP

AutoCAD on Windows 7

MSP Operation of AutoCAD

Automation of AutoCAD



AutoCAD for Students of GIS and Web Mapping

Introduction to AutoCAD

What is AutoCAD?

AutoCAD is a commercial computer-aided design and drafting software application that is used for 2D and 3D design and drafting. A commercial CAD program allows users to create, edit, and draw and route design, engineering, and construction projects in 2D and 3D space.

AutoCAD is used by architectural, mechanical, and electrical engineers, interior designers, and surveyors, as well as architects and contractors. Engineers often use AutoCAD to create construction plans and specifications. Most commercial CAD programs are used for this purpose. AutoCAD is also used for civil engineering, such as designing dams, tunnels, and bridges, and for mechanical and electrical engineering, such as the design of building systems, machines, and automotive components.

AutoCAD is also used by students of architecture and other professions that involve planning and design.

AutoCAD includes the following components:

AutoCAD drawing window

AutoCAD ribbon

AutoCAD shape tools

AutoCAD text tools

AutoCAD drafting tools

AutoCAD feature tools

AutoCAD tools that make it easier to use AutoCAD.

The drawing window is the main window into the application. It contains the drawing area and the 3D views of the drawing. The drawing area contains the design model for the drawing. When a drawing is opened in AutoCAD, it is displayed in the drawing window.

The ribbon (the tab bar) contains the commands and tools that work on the drawing. The ribbon lets you toggle between the drawing window and the tool palettes. You click on a ribbon button to select that tool. When you use the ribbon to switch to a tool, it automatically switches to that tool.

The ribbon is divided into tabs, which are sections. Each tab has

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Integrated development environment (IDE)

Autodesk Design Review is an AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT integrated development environment that provides tools for creating and modifying 3D models, 2D drawings, and drafting tasks in the 2D, 3D and Revit modeling and design environments, as well as advanced features for managing and displaying them. It is part of Autodesk’s Business Products & Services group.

AutoCAD uses the Microsoft Foundation Classes library to implement its user interface and has very good visual and usability characteristics.

There is also a web-based version of AutoCAD: Autodesk Web Design Review.

File format

Raster and vector images (bitmap images) are stored using the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format. Postscript, EPS, GDL and other file formats may also be supported. However, for the purposes of an AutoCAD add-on, a more widely accepted format is IEC TR 1131-1.

Language and dialect

AutoCAD is a natively compiled, general purpose software development tool, written in LISP. Many AutoLISP source files are available for general use. In addition, there are AutoLISP compiler and debugging tools.

Because AutoCAD provides support for multiple languages, it can be used for programming by almost anyone with basic computer skills. As with other integrated development environments (IDEs), a program called the Python Interpreter for AutoLISP (PyLISP) is available to provide the ability to create LISP scripts which can be executed by AutoCAD.

A non-Lisp dialect called Visual LISP is also provided. This is used primarily to implement custom macros. However, the Visual LISP language is quite different from LISP.

While the user interface is written in a subset of the LISP programming language called AutoLISP, a script language called AutoScript is used for writing the AutoLISP function for most of the user interface. This was made necessary because in 1980, when AutoLISP was developed, the programming language was just beginning to take hold, and the only machine then available that ran AutoLISP was a VAX VMS (VAX LISP). To make it possible to use AutoLISP on other architectures, the AutoScript language has been created. It allows writing the same LISP program in a different way for

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Type “audit” in the black line window and press Enter.

“audit” will be displayed on the computer screen.

Type “erase” in the black line window and press Enter.

The “erase” window will display a series of questions.

Answer all the questions.

Type “setup” in the black line window and press Enter.

The “setup” window will display a series of questions.

Answer all the questions.

Type “find” in the black line window and press Enter.

The “find” window will display a series of questions.

Answer all the questions.

The computer screen will display a registration number.

The computer screen will display the “Audit Successful” message.

Click “OK” to continue.

Press “OK” on the “Cancel” box to go back to the “Setup” window.

Press “OK” on the “Cancel” box to go back to the “find” window.

Enter the registration number you were displayed.
Press “OK” on the “Cancel” box to go back to the “Setup” window.

Press “OK” on the “Cancel” box to go back to the “Audit” window.

7. Auditing

The audit tool lets you check to see if someone has accessed, changed, or removed information in your Autodesk product without your knowledge or permission.

To use the audit tool, you must be signed into a AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT user account. After you are signed in, select “Audit” from the View menu.

1. Choose an audit task

Choose the type of audit action you want to perform:

• Change audit settings. Use this task to choose which audit events you want to audit, or how often you want to audit those events. You can audit audit events by date, event, user, or computer.

• Audit audit events. Use this task to review the audit logs of your computer system to determine if someone has accessed, changed, or removed information from your Autodesk product. You can audit audit events by date, event, user, or computer.

To choose which audit events to audit:

• On the Audit menu, click Change Audit Settings.

• On the Audit menu, click Auditing Settings.

• In the Audit Settings dialog box, select or clear the Audit Event check box

What’s New In AutoCAD?

With Markup Import, export your CAD model in PDF, JPG or PNG format and send it to your printer or to people working with the model. Markup Import also reads comments, cross-references, and even comments inside cross-references to generate the required output. The software uses templates to support the import of different file formats and to define the import and export of cross-references (text objects).

Markup Assist automatically finds the correct cross-references in your drawings.

With Markup Assist, you can take notes and add changes to your CAD drawings. As soon as the changes have been added, you can send the document to your printer or to people working with the model. (video: 1:15 min.)

With Markup Assist, you can quickly switch between multiple CAD drawings (up to 100) and make changes and additions to drawings in parallel. Export your model as PDF or Image sequences to share your changes. (video: 1:15 min.)

With Markup Assist, you can create a Reference library of all drawings for your company or project. Use the Reference Manager to change and add comments, cross-references and include exported documents. Link drawings and sub-drawings and use the Markups.txt document as the basis for all cross-references.

New Features for Tables:

You can import tables directly from Microsoft Excel 2007, Word, or Publisher. You can import whole rows or whole columns or you can select individual cells.

The new capabilities of the Table object allow you to:

Apply a cell style

Add, edit and delete rows

Add, edit and delete columns

Add new cells or new table sheets

Drag and drop cells

Animate table columns

Copy a table to a new drawing, including the styles and table styles of the table

Import and export of the table style

You can apply the cell style of the imported table directly to the cell objects

You can export the table directly to Word, Publisher, Excel 2007, or PowerPoint 2007. (video: 1:15 min.)

You can import the table style directly from PowerPoint 2007, Excel 2007, or Word 2007

You can drag and drop multiple cells and different table sheets

and create multiple tables in the same drawing or in different drawings

You can copy the

System Requirements:

OS: Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 10 (64-bit)
Processor: 1.7GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or equivalent
Memory: 2 GB
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 or equivalent, 512 MB VRAM
Software: Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 or higher
DirectX: Version 9.0
Hard drive: 12 GB of free space
INPUT_MASK_KEY: Hardware button to enable gamepad controls.

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